Running Chibisafe with Nginx Proxy Manager through Docker

This guide shows you how to run Chibisafe with Nginx Proxy Manager (or NPM) through Docker without the internal Caddy server.

In order to install chibisafe and run it with Nginx Proxy Manager there are a few things you need to set up on your system beforehand. This guide assumes you are using Ubuntu/Debian so feel free to adjust commands as you see fit based on your distro.


Before running chibisafe make sure you install docker and docker-compose. Please refer to the official Docker documentation for installation instructions.

You will need to setup Nginx Proxy Manager as well, on port 80, 443 and 81. Go to the official Nginx Proxy Manager documentation for installation instructions.

You will also need a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) pointing to your server. You can use a service like Cloudflare to get a domain.


This guide assumes you will use Docker to run chibisafe. If you want to run it manually, just follow the manual guide and install Nginx Proxy Manager like we said.

First, move to a place where you can install it:

cd /home/<your user>

As Docker by default does not run as your user, this may not be the best location to put Chibisafe in. The more "appropriate" location would be on /srv, so change the place where Chibisafe is installed accordingly if you want to follow best practices.

Then, make a directory for chibisafe and move to it:

mkdir chibisafe
cd chibisafe

Now, you need to create a docker-compose.yml file. You can use the following template:

version: "3.7"

    image: chibisafe/chibisafe:latest
      - BASE_API_URL=http://chibisafe_server:8000
      - 8001
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8001:8001

    image: chibisafe/chibisafe-server:latest
      - ./database:/app/database:rw
      - ./uploads:/app/uploads:rw
      - ./logs:/app/logs:rw
      - 8000
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8000:8000

What did we change? We removed the caddy section, as we won't need it. We also exposed to the host the ports 8000 and 8001, so Nginx Proxy Manager can access them.

Now, you can run docker-compose up -d to start chibisafe.

Configuring Nginx Proxy Manager

Now, you need to configure Nginx Proxy Manager to proxy the requests to chibisafe. Go to your Nginx Proxy Manager instance and add a new proxy host.

  • Domain Names: Your domain name (e.g.
  • Scheme: http
  • Forward Hostname/IP: <your local ip or public ip>
  • Forward Port: 8001

Don't forget to enable cache assets, websockets support and configure an SSL certificate (and enable force ssl). You can use Let's Encrypt for that.

Then, head over to the location tab and add a new location:

  • location: /api
  • scheme: http
  • forward hostname/ip: <your local ip or public ip>
  • forward port: 8000

You can now save the configuration and wait for Nginx Proxy Manager to apply the changes.

DNS Configuration

Now, you need to configure your DNS to point to your server. You can use Cloudflare for that. Just add an A record pointing to your server's IP.


You can now access chibisafe through your domain name. If you have any issues, feel free to ask for help in our Discord server.