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macOS Screenshot Auto-Upload Guide

This guide will help you set up an automatic screenshot upload system on macOS using the shortcut Command + Shift + =. Once set up, pressing this shortcut will take a screenshot, upload it to, and copy the image URL to your clipboard.


Global shortcut (Command + Shift + =) to take & upload screenshots
Automatic upload to
Copy the uploaded image URL to the clipboard
macOS notifications for success or failure

📌 Step 1: Create the Screenshot Upload Script

  1. Open Terminal (⌘ + Space, type "Terminal", press Enter).
  2. Run:
    nano ~/
  3. Paste the following script:

    # Configuration
    API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" #Put the api key from `Dashboard -> Credentials -> API Key` here
    UPLOAD_URL="" #Please change `` to your domain for your instance
    SCREENSHOT_PATH="$HOME/Desktop/screenshot_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).png"

    # Take Screenshot (Interactive Mode)
    screencapture -i "$SCREENSHOT_PATH"

    # Upload Screenshot
    response=$(curl -s -F "file=@$SCREENSHOT_PATH" -H "x-api-key: $API_KEY" "$UPLOAD_URL")

    # Check if upload was successful
    if echo "$response" | grep -q "url"; then
    url=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.url')
    echo "$url" | pbcopy
    osascript -e "display notification \"Upload successful! URL copied to clipboard.\" with title \"Screenshot Upload\""
    osascript -e "display notification \"Upload failed!\" with title \"Screenshot Upload\""
    echo "Upload failed: $response"

    # Optional: Delete the screenshot after upload
  4. Please MAKE SURE TO CHANGE to your actual domain for your chibisafe instance!
  5. Save and exit:
    • Press CTRL + X, then Y, then Enter.
  6. Make it executable:
    chmod +x ~/

📌 Step 2: Create an Automator Quick Action

  1. Open Automator (⌘ + Space, type "Automator", press Enter).
  2. Click "New Document"Select "Quick Action" → Click "Choose".
  3. In "Workflow receives current", select no input in any application.
  4. In the left panel, search for "Run Shell Script", then drag it into the workflow.
  5. In the Run Shell Script box:
    • Change Shell to /bin/bash.
    • Paste this command:
  6. Save the Automator Quick Action:
    • Click File → Save.
    • Name it "Screenshot Uploader".

📌 Step 3: Assign a Global Shortcut (⌘ + ⇧ + =)

  1. Open System SettingsKeyboardKeyboard Shortcuts.
  2. Select "Services" on the left.
  3. Scroll down to "General", and find "Screenshot Uploader".
  4. Click "Add Shortcut", and press ⌘ + ⇧ + =.

✅ Now, ⌘ + ⇧ + = will capture a screenshot and upload it automatically.

📌 Step 4: Ensure Full Disk Access (Optional)

  1. Go to System Settings → Privacy & Security → Full Disk Access.
  2. Click "+", then add:
    • Automator
    • Terminal
    • Screenshot Uploader (if visible)

🚀 Usage

Now, whenever you press ⌘ + ⇧ + =, macOS will: ✅ Capture a screenshot interactively.
Upload it automatically to
Copy the uploaded image URL to your clipboard.
Show a success/failure notification.
Work globally in any app.

This setup ensures a seamless screenshot upload process! 🚀

Please MAKE SURE TO CHANGE to your actual domain for your chibisafe instance!